sábado, 27 de febrero de 2016

Target Beauty Box | SPOILERS!! *UPDATED*

Hi kids!

Today we bring you a review I, but rather are a few spoilers for the next edition of the Target box beauty . Fortunately , and unlike some beauty boxes, Target provides a visual display of what is coming in the next box, in this case, that of March 2016.

Beauty box December, do not panic.
No girls, no panic, not Out of stock, it's just that they leave it that way until it leaves sale (usually the first 5-7 days of the month). Here I attached pictures and prices of products that will be in the box:

UPDATE: Target beauty box Available Monday 29, 9:11 am (UTC-4), click here.

I do not want to make any judgments, I'm not totally excited, but I'm curious to try the Hydrating mask Nugg , everything that has to do with facial care is a plus for me in any case. 

And you girls will ask at this time?

Remember to follow in my social networks, whether Instagram , Twitter or Snapchat user Topazdeville where progress and give alarms boxes. 

Many hugs, and see you in the next.


8 comentarios:

Simon says